To support his war on Tigray, Abiy Ahmed called on Ethiopians to applaud for the military aggression on Tigray. The Ethiopian Reconciliation Commission, tasked with bringing reconciliation among Ethiopians, came out and expressed its support for the war on Tigray. This is happening when Ethiopian military together with Eritrean forces and Amhara forces are indiscriminately killing Tigrayans, destroying properties and displacing thousands. so far 30,000 Tigrayans have fled to Sudan.
On November 11, the reconciliation commission said there should not be any reconciliation whatsoever with Tigray and expressed its full support for the war on Tigray.
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Desta Asbeha
July 19, 2021 at 5:45 pm
#stop killing Tegru
#stop killing civilians
# Dow down Abuye
Hope that Mekelle has given them some lessons. It’s sad that they become a reason for yet another killing in Mekelle due to their visit! Mekelle people opposed the hypocrites’ visit and they got killed because of that. Then they go and visit the military camp to support the invading military in Mekelle, adding to the perils of the Tigray people. Missing the day Tigray will be free of anything Ethiopian.
A committee to reconcile Colonel Abiyi with Dr. Abyi took a stand on Abiyi’s war on Tigray. The work of the committee is more psychological than social.
If the Ethiopian Reconciliation committee in general and the Ethiopian Orthodox church in particular supported and give Blessing for the war siding with one part of the conflict, they are registering another black chapter in the History of Ethiopia and Ethiopians. Their leadership can not represent christ but the devil which is the master of terror and destruction.
This is very sad, I wish I am not Ethiopian. How do you support war? How do you bombing your own citizen using drones? #UAE stop helping dictators #AbiAhemedAli lying the world #StopthewarinEthiopa #stopbombing civilians in Tigray #Stopbombing infrastructures, Schools,hospitals,churches in Tigray..#StopwarinTigray
Desta Asbeha
July 19, 2021 at 5:45 pm
#stop killing Tegru
#stop killing civilians
# Dow down Abuye
February 11, 2021 at 9:49 am
Hope that Mekelle has given them some lessons. It’s sad that they become a reason for yet another killing in Mekelle due to their visit! Mekelle people opposed the hypocrites’ visit and they got killed because of that. Then they go and visit the military camp to support the invading military in Mekelle, adding to the perils of the Tigray people. Missing the day Tigray will be free of anything Ethiopian.
Teferi Fufa
November 20, 2020 at 5:26 pm
A committee to reconcile Colonel Abiyi with Dr. Abyi took a stand on Abiyi’s war on Tigray. The work of the committee is more psychological than social.
November 19, 2020 at 7:59 pm
If the Ethiopian Reconciliation committee in general and the Ethiopian Orthodox church in particular supported and give Blessing for the war siding with one part of the conflict, they are registering another black chapter in the History of Ethiopia and Ethiopians. Their leadership can not represent christ but the devil which is the master of terror and destruction.
Tigisti Melese
November 19, 2020 at 12:36 am
This is very sad, I wish I am not Ethiopian. How do you support war? How do you bombing your own citizen using drones? #UAE stop helping dictators #AbiAhemedAli lying the world #StopthewarinEthiopa #stopbombing civilians in Tigray #Stopbombing infrastructures, Schools,hospitals,churches in Tigray..#StopwarinTigray