
In conversation with Daniel Berhane



Daniel is a commentator on the politics of the Horn of Africa and an author. In his latest book, War on Tigray: Genocidal Axis on the Horn of Africa, he outlines how a triumvirate of forces — the Ethiopian and Eritrean regimes in collaboration with the Amhara establishment — sought to execute a genocidal campaign on Tigray following the coming to power of Abiy Ahmed Ali.

The war that these forces subsequently waged on Tigray saw the killing of more than half a million Tigrayans, and one or all of the forces accused of ethnic cleansing, war crimes and crimes against humanity, and the UN not ruling out genocide.

He explains how a superficial and misguided analysis led the international community — principally the US government — to accept Tigray as a sacrificial lamb in exchange for a supposedly more favourable political and economic landscape Abiy had promised to create. He laments that the International Community has not taken any lessons from the devastating war, reflected in the fact individuals and institutions that were weaponized by the regime during the war are still being paraded as impartial and independent actors fit to lead the so-called transitional justice process. He explains in detail the case of Daniel Bekelle, the head of the ironically named Ethiopian Human Rights Commission.

We discuss these themes and others in detail here:

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