[Author’s note: Please Tegaru, register for this survey to help the world understand what has happened in Tigray. It is so important to support research on...
This brief removed report describes the conditions and challenges faced by displaced Tigrayans who have returned to their homes in the Eastern Zone of the region....
By Fitsum Gebre (PhD) Acemoglu and Robison’s 2012 book ‘Why Nations Fail?’ indicated that poor countries fail because these countries have been ‘ruled by a narrow...
This report was issued by the Regional Emergency Coordination Center of Tigray on March 03, 2023. It includes updates from the following clusters: Food Emergency Shelter...
By Tsadkan Gebretensae (Lieutenant General) As most of us already know, the Regional Government of Tigray has already designated a committee to study, propose and facilitate...
By Kibrom Gebreselassie Guernica is a small Basque town located in Northern Spain, a market town during the Spanish Civil war of 1936-1939. Adi Daero is...
A Swiss, German-language daily newspaper, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, an article titled “600,000 dead – and now what next? On the road in Tigray, where a war...
This report was issued by the Regional Emergency Coordination Center of Tigray on February 07, 2023. It includes updates from the following clusters: Food Agriculture Emergency...
A unique event to create awareness about the Tigray Genocide in the broader Dutch public and beyond is planned for February 10 at Splendor Amsterdam, a...
This report was issued by the Regional Emergency Coordination Center of Tigray on January 27, 2023. It includes updates for the period between January 20-26 from...