Call For US Embassy Addis to Reassess Its Relationship with Bank of Abyssinia – Tghat
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Call For US Embassy Addis to Reassess Its Relationship with Bank of Abyssinia



 By Esayas Hailemariam

Dear Honorable Representatives of the U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia:

I am deeply concerned about the actions of the Bank of Abyssinia, through which your esteemed Embassy processes visa payments. The Bank’s recent conduct has not only shocked the Tigrayan diaspora worldwide but also blatantly disregards the Pretoria Peace Agreement—brokered under the aegis of the U.S. Department of State. 

Article 10 (4) of the Pretoria Agreement explicitly states the commitment of all involved parties to resolve territorial disputes in accordance with the Federal Government of Ethiopia’s Constitution. This is in line with the U.S. government’s sustained efforts to facilitate a peaceful resolution to the ongoing crisis in Ethiopia. 

Contrarily, the Bank of Abyssinia has taken it upon itself to unilaterally relabel Tigrayan territories, effectively undermining this internationally backed peace accord. In a recent correspondence dated March 6, 2023, the Bank went so far as to categorize Tigray cities as part of the Amhara State, presenting itself as a de facto authority in interstate territorial matters (see the letter in Amharic in the attachment). Specifically, the Bank unlawfully designated its branches in the Tigray territories of Wolqait Tsegede and Setit Humera zones as part of its 110 branches under the administration of the Bahir Dar district of Amhara State. 

The Bank even went further to name one of its Addis Ababa branches as “Professor Asrat Woldeyes Branch,” in honor of the late Professor Asrat Woldeyes, founder and leader of All-Amhara People’s Organization (AAPO), an ethnic-based political party in Ethiopia created in 1993 (see attached exhibit). This evidently reveals that the Bank of Abyssinia functions more like a political entity with a partisan political agenda, rather than as an independent and impartial financial institution.

Given these circumstances, it becomes imperative to question the continuation of the U.S. Embassy’s financial association with the Bank of Abyssinia. Does maintaining a partnership with an entity that undermines internationally-sanctioned peace agreements, U.S. laws, and policies align with the United States foreign policy objectives in Ethiopia?

If the Embassy chooses to maintain this relationship, I respectfully demand, on behalf of Tigrayans worldwide, a compelling justification that reconciles this decision with U.S. diplomatic goals and principles. In general, the relationship between U.S. embassies and foreign banks that collect visa fees on their behalf is generally regulated by federal laws, State Department policies, and international agreements. Specifically, the Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM) often outlines the procedures and regulations for such financial interactions. 

In the U.S. the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), and many established caselaws involving financial institutions prohibit discrimination based on race, gender, age, and other protected classes. Bank of Abyssia’s provocative ethnic agenda clearly contravenes U.S. laws and practices. 

Moreover, why should the Tigrayan community be obligated to make visa and consular payments through a financial institution that blatantly ignores our identity and territorial sovereignty? What is the assurance that such a politically biased and ethnic Bank won’t manipulate confidential visa and consular information of Tigrayan U.S. visa applicants for political agenda because visa payments are handled by this bank? 

As a form of protest, numerous Tigrayans have pulled their money out of the Bank of Abyssinia, and several have publicly destroyed their bankbooks on social media platforms (see attached exhibits). 

I respectfully ask that the Embassy give immediate and serious attention to our concerns. Additionally, we intend to contact our federal lawmakers, the U.S. State Department, and members of the diplomatic community to discuss this unacceptable situation and seek their support.

I eagerly await your prompt and thoughtful response to these pressing matters. If you need further information and/or documents, please let us know. 

Esayas Hailemariam is a U.S. citizen residing in California and a part of the Tigrayan community in the United States. 

Exhibit of Tigrayan Reaction

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  1. Alemu Gebrehiwot

    October 5, 2023 at 1:44 pm

    Abbyssinia Bank is part of the Tigray Genocider

  2. Asmelash Tesfu

    October 5, 2023 at 8:04 am


  3. Goya

    October 4, 2023 at 7:24 am

    Abyssinia bank supports Genocide
    Boycot Abyssinia bank

  4. Urbeg Umela

    October 4, 2023 at 6:27 am

    Abyssinia bank and other businesses owned by pro Fano personalities have played a role in the Tigray genocide. by Confiscating Tigrayan owned businesses and assets extortion of money from Tigray businessmen.

    It’s also unfair the US Embassy in Ethiopia is forcing people to pay their visa fee at a bank they don’t want to see or hear its name let alone to open account

  5. Teame

    October 3, 2023 at 11:51 am

    Stop your partnership with this law less Bank.

  6. Merry

    October 2, 2023 at 10:52 pm

    Abyssinia Bank is one of the enterprise for Tigray genocide. today asking to STOP using the corporate enterprise of war criminal, gang rapest, and for lost of more a million Tigrain lifes.

    • Mahibrekidusan poisoned the Patriarch

      October 3, 2023 at 1:45 pm

      Abyssinia Bank, Enat Bank, and Mahibrekidusan are all supporters of the Tigray genocide.
      Mahibrekidusan members have reportedly poisoned the Patriarch. Many Archbishops have passed away after being sucummed to food poisniong in recent years.

      Boycott Enat Bank, Abyssinia Bank, and Mahibrekidusan (a Satanic organization run by fanno supporters). All these genocidal forces must be held accountable and brought to justice; eventually, they must face the consequences of their actions.
      ———-Free all Tigrayans former members of ENDF —-
      Justice to the Tigrayans!
      Enat Bank, Abyssinia Bank, and Mahibrekidusan are genociders

  7. ሚኪኤለ ብርሃነ

    October 2, 2023 at 10:50 pm

    Justice & Accountability must be swerved in response to the #TigrayGenocide in northern Ethiopia.

    The United States diplomatic mission in Ethiopia should respect the #US constitution & #UN declaration against Human Right Violation.

  8. Mesele Kalayu

    October 2, 2023 at 9:01 pm

    The bank which is so called is sponsoring #tigraygenocide provoking agendas that can lead to break #pritoriaagreement
    #extend the role of ICRHEE
    #callit #tigraygenocied

  9. Bgy

    October 2, 2023 at 7:48 pm

    It is really disappointing to see a financial institution, which should actively participate in enhancing the financial merits of the society, engaged in provoking the peace agreements made in Pretoria and supporting one region as if the other region is a foreign land and non user of its banking services.
    Shame on the abyssinia bank administrators

  10. Robel Gebru

    October 2, 2023 at 7:43 pm

    Cut ur relationship with bank of Abeysinia
    The bank is in a real biased politics

  11. Eyobe

    October 2, 2023 at 4:24 pm

    Hello, I’m calling to bring attention to the need to extend the mandate of the International Commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia (ICHREE). As it stands today, human rights violations in Ethiopia are ongoing with atrocities continuing in the Tigray region and other parts of Ethiopia. The situation is critical, and we need immediate action to renew the ICHREE. Innocent lives are at stake, and true justice and accountability through an international, independent mechanism are vital for victims and survivors.

  12. Hailay Gebretsadik

    October 2, 2023 at 1:46 pm

    Abyssinia Bank has been engaged in political activities such as illegally annexation of Tigray territory to Amhara.
    Stop any form of business partnership with #Abyssinia_Bank.
    @US Embassy Addis Ababa

  13. Berihu

    October 2, 2023 at 1:18 pm

    This the a witness for they had Sponsored TigrayGenocide. The Banck should be closed. International bodies should take measure on the Bank Managers.

  14. Tadesse up Gebreslasie

    October 2, 2023 at 12:43 pm

    Stop stop stop

  15. Tadesse up Gebreslasie

    October 2, 2023 at 12:43 pm

    ኣብስንያ ባንክ ለኔ የጆኖሳይዱ ዋና ሳፖርት እንደነብረ እና ኣሁንም እየቀጠለብት እንዳለ ነው

  16. Leuel

    October 2, 2023 at 12:20 pm


  17. Biniam G.

    October 2, 2023 at 12:09 pm

    Ethiopian Abyssinia Bank has been accused of providing support in the ongoing conflict in the Tigray Region.

  18. Samson

    October 2, 2023 at 9:49 am

    Abyssinia bank is working against the pretoria agreement reached between Federal government and TPKF. Besides it supported the genocider acts committed by the conquiers of West tigray where hundred thousand tigrians evacuted,fleed to Sudan to rescue ther life from barberic harmful acts of the elites .

  19. Dani

    October 2, 2023 at 8:43 am

    I wish we can sign petition and send it to them.

  20. Mawcha gebru

    October 2, 2023 at 8:41 am

    Stop your partnership with this law less Bank.

  21. Tsige

    October 2, 2023 at 5:04 am

    In majority US security and legal forms there are very serious questions that you must to answer and confirm whether you are/have been/ a group of Terrorist Organization, if you have the interest to become a members or fund a terrorist group.

    I totally understand how these questions are very important and key that needs to be addressed. This is for the best interest to save the country and it’s people both legally and morally responsibilities.

    Bank of Abissinya is one of the the right hands to PP tyrants and Amhara vigilantes group who have committed /ing/ #Tigray genocide. Currently this bank is supporting the Amhara vigilante Groups who continuously committing heinous genocide crimes and occupied sovereign territories of West, South & South east of Tigray.
    Having stating that, I strongly condemn The US Embassy in Ethiopia to stop their partnership with this genocider bank.

  22. Haddush Gebremedhin

    October 2, 2023 at 12:44 am

    Justice & Accountability must be swerved in response to the #TigrayGenocide in northern Ethiopia.

    The United States diplomatic mission in Ethiopia should respect the #US constitution & #UN declaration against Human Right Violation.

  23. Bezabh Abrha

    October 1, 2023 at 10:32 pm

    Stop your partnership with this genocider bank.

    • Saba

      October 2, 2023 at 6:19 am


  24. Elias

    October 1, 2023 at 9:43 pm

    This bank Contributed by financing the Genocide in Tigray. I ask you to stop your partnership with this bank accordingly.

  25. John

    October 1, 2023 at 8:25 pm

    As I am a victim of the Genocide, am very sad for this bank, whcich is participating anti Pretoria agreement.

  26. Kbrom

    October 1, 2023 at 7:17 pm

    Abyssinia Bank is one of the enterprise for Tigray genocide. today asking to STOP using the corporate enterprise of war criminal, gang rapest, and for lost of more a million Tigrain lifes.

  27. Berhane

    October 1, 2023 at 7:17 pm

    Bank of Abyssinia stands against the Pretoria Peace agreements which makes the suffering of the displaced civilian more difficult to leave.

  28. Gebremedhin Gebremariam

    October 1, 2023 at 7:13 pm

    This bank si a sponsor of #Tigray Genocide and against Pretoria agreement.

  29. Gebrehaweria

    October 1, 2023 at 7:05 pm

    The #US #Embassy #Addia_Ababa, stop your relation with single ethnic politics affiliated #Bank of #Abyssinia. The is part and parcel of #Tigray_genocide and is woring against the Pretoria Agreement initiated by US.

  30. Alex Haile

    October 1, 2023 at 6:55 pm

    The Embassy should reassess it’s tie with the bank and it will be reckless if US Embassy in Addis ignores such request. Sec Anthony Blinken reiterated there was an ethnic cleansing committed in western Tigray. Now Amhara resettlers of 1000’s if not millions replaced those killed and displaced Tigrayans. Instead, US Embassy in Addis should have seriously pushed for an independent investigation. So ignoring such request means not caring for Pretoria agreement, not caring for humanity, and not considering Blinken’s word.

  31. berhan hadushe

    October 1, 2023 at 6:48 pm


  32. berhan hadushe

    October 1, 2023 at 6:48 pm

    stop your partnership with this less Bank

  33. Wedalelm

    October 1, 2023 at 6:41 pm

    #US #EMBASSY #Ethiopia #BOA

  34. Mulugeta Geb

    October 1, 2023 at 6:33 pm

    This Bank is used to promote and contribute money for the ethnic cleansing and Genocidal war in Tigray . Now this bank is continuously provoke the Pretoria Peace agreement . Now in high scale the legal Territory of western Tigray claims as Territory of Amhara regional state . And they changed all their branch bank as belongs to Amhara district. Which is this bank management as they participated and encouraged the extermination of Tegaru and ethnic cleansing . awhile the US state department and UN as well European Union are supporting the Pretoria peace agreement. So as a US Citizen our embassy working with this bank is unacceptable , working with the promoters of Genocide and ethnic cleanlineser is unethical and against our Value . So pleas stop working with Abyssinia !!!

  35. Hiluf Gebremariam

    October 1, 2023 at 6:32 pm

    Abyssinia bank is supporter Genocide against to Tigray. We ask you to halt working with Abyssinia bank.

  36. lyouwerk

    October 1, 2023 at 6:31 pm

    Abyssinia bank is the supporters of genocide

  37. Awualom kahsay

    October 1, 2023 at 6:27 pm

    I as a victim of Genocide that is being happening in tigray Boycott the politically affiliated annhilation of Tigray territory and named as Amhara’s. So, this financial institution is far away from fairness we believe it can go by uncovering Tigray personal identity when they make visa payments through it. So, as an american citizen I Kindly request the american embsaay in Ethiopia to consider and re assess its partnership with back and take measures accordingly.

  38. Yirgalem

    October 1, 2023 at 6:21 pm

    Close the bank completely

  39. Yirgalem

    October 1, 2023 at 6:20 pm

    No comment this is very sad & baddie

  40. Yirgalem hailu

    October 1, 2023 at 6:19 pm

    Very sad @ bad

  41. Araya tesfu

    October 1, 2023 at 6:16 pm

    Stop your partnership with this law less Bank.

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