The fighting is often portrayed as a war between a federal government and one of the regions. Most attention so far has been focused on the...
In the past four months, genocide through the ravages of war, in general, and war-induced famine, in particular, has been emerging as the primary weapon of...
Given the vindictive nature of the Eritrean leader, that the Isaias regime would use any opportunity to inflict heavy damage on Tigray was not unexpected. It...
With this historical reality in mind and in light of what we know of the current conflict in Tigray it is not difficult to determine that...
This is a summary from a preprint paper by Jan Nyssen. The paper first notes the closure of services, starvation and denial of humanitarian aid, massacres,...
By Gebrekirstos Gebremeskel for Ethiopia-insight Tigray’s enemies all have different motivations, but they share a common objective. On 3 November, the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize recipient...