Even before the breakout of the war, there were many signs and indications that indicate the profiling of Tigrayans in government offices and positions in cities...
Military Invasion It has been a month since the Ethiopian Defence Forces, Eritrean Defence Forces, Amhara Special Forces, Amhara Militia, Fano Amhara Youth Vigilantes and regional...
The title reads: Necessary information about Ethnic Tigrayans who work in different jobs and live in their own or rented houses The questions asked include, among...
Tigray Defense Forces (TDF) spokesperson, Gebre Gebretsadiq, claimed that in the past three days Tigray forces have completely destroyed 11 enemy tanks on three fronts around...
The war on Tigray has multiple dimensions, one of which is snatching Tigrayan lands. Following the Abiy Ahmed and Isaias march on Western Tigray, the Amhara...
Thousands of Tigrayans of Dansha taken away by Amhara militia and special forces Fano excutes 98 Tigrayans in Korarit Abiy Ahmed soldiers block Tigrayans from fleeing...
The Abiy Ahmed junta is positioning itself as one that will manage humanitarian assistance to Tigray and Tigrayans through its ministry of “peace”. This would be...
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