Towards the Formation of an Acceptable Interim Administration in Tigray: Comments and Suggestions – Tghat
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Towards the Formation of an Acceptable Interim Administration in Tigray: Comments and Suggestions



By Tsadkan Gebretensae (Lieutenant General)

As most of us already know, the Regional Government of Tigray has already designated a  committee to study, propose and facilitate ways towards the formation of an Interim Regional  Administration (IRA) as per the Pretoria Agreement signed in November last year and  subsequent informal discussions conducted with the FDRE officials. 

I had the opportunity to attend and participate in the recent meeting where the progress  report of the committee was discussed. In their progress reports, the committee members  have indicated that they intend to identify, select, and invite what they call stakeholders to a  conference whereby the process of the establishment of the Interim Administration will be  discussed and agreed upon. There is not as yet a clearly defined path or task for the conference other than what has been mentioned above

Although I still see substantial room for improvement in the formation, composition and  mandate of the committee, I would like to commend the very fact that the Government took  the initiative to form an organ to study the process and propose options. I would also like to  recognise and appreciate the effort made by the committee and the progress it has made so  far. 

With the intent to support and augment the process and reach a solution that is  commensurate with the political challenges we face in Tigray, I felt the need to share my views and suggestions on some of the issues that I raised during the discussions. 

 1. On the importance of the process and the significance of the outcome 

Tigray and Tigrayans are in the process of exiting the one of the bloodiest and most atrocious wars and entering into a transition towards peace, reconstruction, and democratic governance. The  maintenance and entrenchment of peace within a volatile neighbourhood; the  reconstruction and rehabilitation of a heavily ravaged Tigray and massively damaged Tigrayan society; as well as the design of a democratic governance system, the beginning of a transformational change in the political culture of Tigray; culminating with the conduct of a genuinely fair and democratic election, would  require the contribution and support of all Tigrayans and much more than what we  Tigrayans can avail and afford. This process of forming the transitional administration should therefore allow and enable the broadest participation of all Tigrayans (under  the current circumstances) and deliver an administration that is acceptable and agreeable to work and coordinate with all our partners and allies in the effort to  entrench peace and ensure reconstruction. 

The key attributes that should define the formation process should therefore be  transparent, all-inclusive, democratic, and effective, while acceptability, agility and competence should define the outcome. Every element of the process should be inclusive of the key stakeholders, and every representative should be democratically elected, while the whole process should remain transparent, optimal and effective.

2. The compositIon and mandate of the Committee 

Although the members of the committee come from the institutions and sectors that they claim to represent, it remains a fact that none of them were formally elected and mandated to represent the same. They were handpicked and assigned by the government. The lack of legitimate representation is therefore undeniable. Much  worse, there are very important stakeholders and actors that the current committee does not even pretend to include. One can see members who came from the TPLF, the  TDF and Tigray’s election commission represented in the committee but key  stakeholders like the opposition parties, academia, the diaspora, business community, civil society, etc are totally missing. The process to establish the IRA seems to be  already flawed hence may not be expected to deliver the desired result, unless steps are taken to legitimise the existing members and to include the missing stakeholders. 

Process design vs execution:  

Another concern I would like to raise is the mandate and task of this committee. Despite  the absence of an inclusive and legitimate mandate and explicit terms of reference,  the committee seems to want to run the whole show from process design to  execution, including supervision and observation. Given the clear deficit in their  mandate and representation, allowing them to run the show on a turnkey and exclusive basis is potentially conflicted and dangerous. The best and the only thing  they should be allowed is to prepare and submit their proposed process design to the  body that appointed them, i.e., the Government. Upon receipt and possibly on the  basis of the proposal, the Government shall then invite representatives of the key  stakeholders to participate in the review and approval of the proposal. The current  representatives of the TPLF and TDF may continue as members of the new committee but the important thing here is that representatives of the now missing stakeholders like the opposition parties should be involved in the decision as to who should participate and the allocation of representation quotas in the conference and the  Council. 

The need for an independent supervision and observation: 

The formation of this interim-administration is a key element of the Pretoria and subsequent agreements, to which there are direct signatories like (i) the AU-Panel member states of Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa, (ii) the Federal Government of Ethiopia and (ii) Tigray. There are also the observers and/or guarantors in the UN, US and IGAD, whom we expect to play a key role not only in the implementation of the peace  agreement but also in the reconstruction and rebuilding of our devastated Tigray.  These observers should therefore be at least informed and updated of the whole  process in due time and should be allowed to have their fair judgement and consent of the process.  

3. The compositIon and mandate of the Council. 

The Council is the general assembly of the representatives of the key stakeholders, as identified, invited, and registered by the Government and/or committee. Although the quota of representatives assigned to each party or stakeholder may vary  depending on the political significance, membership and influence of each party, no single party should be allowed to have an absolute majority or dominate the Council. 

Up on convention, the Council can and may review and endorse the membership and  representation quota as proposed and/or tabled. It may also elect its own officers in  the form of president and secretary, to take over and run the sessions and functions of  the Council as per the agreed mandate. 

The Mandate 

Assuming that the parties have no interest in disbanding the parliament and may  rather agree to maintain it, the Council’s mandate shall be limited to (i) defining and determining the tasks and mandate of the IRA, (ii) electing and/or appointing the chief  administrator (president for the interim period) from within or without the Council  members, (iii) reviewing and approving the structure and key personnel of the IRA  (cabinet members), as proposed by the chief administrator, (iv) reviewing and  endorsing the plan and budget for final approval and ratification by the federal Government and/or the Parliament, (v) reviewing and endorsing key appointments to the Judiciary and the likes, (vi) overseeing and monitoring the performance of the IRA, (vii) supervise and oversee the conduct of fair and transparent election and the  handing over of office to elected officials after which they will be replaced by an  elected parliament (viii) in the process dismissing or changing the IRA if and when the  need arises. The Council of the representatives of the key stakeholders whose  membership shall not exceed one hundred shall regularly meet, to review the  performance of the executive led by the chief administrator. 

Although both the Council and the IRA shall have the powers to initiate and propose  legislation, actual legislative powers shall remain with the Parliaments both at the Federal and Regional level, as stipulated and provided by the Constitutions. 

4. The mandate and compositIon of the administration 

As clearly stipulated in the Pretoria agreement, the formation of the IRA may and  should involve the participation, consent, and agreement of so many parties but more  specifically, of the Federal Democratic Government of Ethiopia, hence the need for going through an open, transparent, democratic, and all-inclusive election process and deliver an outcome that is acceptable to all. 

But the Pretoria agreement also explicitly states that the key objectives include (i)  guaranteeing peace and security for all, (ii) providing for justice and accountability, (iii)  addressing and resolving the underlying causes of the conflict in a manner consistent  with the Constitution, (iv) fostering the rehabilitation of social bonds, and (v)  facilitating political reform, economic recovery, and reconstruction.  

One key step in the direction of reforming the political economy of Tigray being the  formation of this all-inclusive IRA, its main focus and tasks shall evolve around  delivering these objectives. These tasks may require reforming and restructuring the existing political processes and structures, as well as creating new ones to enhance the transformation of the political culture in Tigray. The underlying assumption is that the  existing constitution provides enough latitude to accommodate these requirements and what remains is the full restoration and implementation of it. The Constitution clearly provides for the (a) de-politicization of the civil services, (b) clear balance and  separation of power among the three branches, (c) the protection and promotion of  group and individual rights, (d) free media, free market, and investor friendly  situations, and (e) free, fair, and competitive elections.  

Most of the “underlying causes to this conflict” emanate from the failure of politicians and political forces to fully and honestly abide and/or implement the constitution. The  full restoration and implementation of the constitution by the IRA is therefore believed  to address and redress these underlying causes and lay the foundations for a  sustainable peace and equitable development. 

The caliber and compositIon  

The mandate and tasks of the IRA are both complex and daunting, hence the need for a technically competent and politically motivated type of team and leadership. Much as the Council needs to be allowed to pick the most appropriate and best chief  administrator, both from within and without the Council, the chief administrator should also be allowed to select and organise their executive team. Merit and  competence, and not political or personal affiliation, should guide the selection and  constitution of the team. 

Members and leaders of political parties can be members or leaders of the team, but their selection and placement should be based solely on their individual technical  competence and merits and not on their political affiliation or status in their parties. 

5. The role and functions of the existing regional parliament 

The Pretoria agreement for “the establishment of an inclusive Interim Regional  Administration”, was primarily driven and informed by the fact that the incumbent  Administration is “exclusive” to TPLF members. The democratically elected council of  key stakeholders, and its mandate will greatly contribute towards making the politics in Tigray more inclusive. This will have an immense contribution towards peace within Tigray and in the region in general.  

In addition to being the legislative body for any region-specific laws and regulations,  the regional parliament enacts many other treaties, project related loans or grants,  national emergency declarations and the likes in harmony and coordination with other  regional parliaments and the federal parliament. It is both the functional and symbolic representative of Tigray, in the whole federal architecture and constitutional order  that we strive to restore. 

6. A note on the implementatIon of the process  

When it comes to the implementation of the proposed process the key issue is the  time factor. We have already lost a great deal of time so far. We can’t as a society afford to spend an more time to establish the IRA. As much as we need to make the process as democratic and as representative as possible. We can’t afford to have an  elaborate election process at this point in time. But at the same time, we as Tigrayans shall not miss this opportunity to fundamentally transform the political landscape of  Tigray. We need to strike a balance and to this effect: I suggest that while the current  committee is still working on the preparation of their proposal, the Government of  Tigray should invite the key missing stakeholders like the opposition parties,  academia, and business community to select and send their representatives in time to participate in the review and approval of the proposal for implementation. Besides saving time, this will create a more inclusive and legitimate committee to decide on the key issues like the composition and mandate of the Council as well as participate in the execution of the plan. 

See also his recent Tigrinya article: ፖለቲካዊ መሪሕነት ትግራይ:- ናይ ለውጢ ኣጀንዳ

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  1. zoritoler imol

    April 18, 2023 at 2:14 am

    I do agree with all the ideas you have presented in your post. They are really convincing and will definitely work. Still, the posts are very short for newbies. Could you please extend them a little from next time? Thanks for the post.

  2. ErnestJup

    April 11, 2023 at 9:31 am

    I know, that it is necessary to make)))

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  3. Efrem

    February 27, 2023 at 3:28 pm

    ልዑል ክብሪ ኣለኒ ኣባኻ ጀነራል ፃድቃን። ዕድመ ልክዕ ኣብ ቃልሲ ምፅናሕ ብፍላይ ኣብዕድመ ዕብየት ማቻ ገዲፍካ ንኽትስዋእ ፡ ክትጠሚ/ ክትፀምእ/ ክትደክም/ክትስንክል ምግዳል ምኽኣል ኣብ ኩሉ ህዝቢን ሰብን ኣይርከብን እንትርፊ ኣብ ተጋሩን ትግራይን። መርኣያ ወለዶ ትማሊን ሎሚን ብሙኻንካ ድማ ብኣኻ እሕበን ፡ ነዊሕ ዕድመን ጥዕናን ድማ እምነየልካ። ሎሚ ቕነ ብቋንቋ እንግሊዝ ኣብ ዝሰነድካዮ ፅሑፍ ክሓትት እንትብገስ እውን ነዚ ኣብግምት ከምዘእተኹ ይተሓዘለይ:-

    (1) ኩይናት ተጀሚሩ ስካብ ውዕል ፕሪቶርያን ድሕሪኡን ዘሎ ግዘ ኣባል ማእኸላይ ኮማንድ ሙኻንካ እየ ዝርዳእ (ጌጋ ሓበሬታ እንተልዩኒ ክእረም ድልው እየ)። እዚ ላዕለዋይ ፀፍሒ ሓላፍነት ዘለዎ ውዳበ መኸተ ኣብቶም ዘልዐልካዮም ነጥብታት ኣመልኪቱ ተመያይጡ መዕለቢ ዘይገበረሉ ምኽንያት እንታይ’ዩ ትብል? መዕለቢ ገይርሉ እንተነይሩኸ ካብቲ ናትካ ሓሳብ ብምንታይ ምኽኒት ተፈልዩ?

    (2) ኣብ ሞንጎ ውዕል ፕሪቶሪያን ካብ ተወዓዓልቲ ወፃኢ ዝሓውስ ምምስራት ሓቋፊ ጊዚያዊ መንግስቲ ስሙርነቱ ክንደየናይ እዩ? (ፒፒን ህወሓትን ወይ ሓዲኦም እንተኣብዮም?) ሕቶይ ብዛዕባ ኣድላይነት ሓቋፊ መንግስቲ ስግግር ኣይኮነን። እዙይ ብስንፍናና ዘይገበርናዮ ብዙሕ ዘኽሰረና ስለዝኾነ ሎሚ እንተዘይተማሂርና ካሊእ መርዝን ወሎዶ’ዩ ዘሕድር። ትነገር ብዛዕባ ተኽእሎነት እዩ። ክብሎ ዝደለኹ ገና ካብ ኩይናት መሊኡ ዘይወፀ ማሕበረሰብን ፍትሒ ተረጋጊፁ ሓቀኛ ዕርቂ ሰላም ኣብዘይተገበረሉ እዋን ኩሎም ድርድራት ብውሽጦም ካብ ማህደር ፀላኢነት ንዘይሓጠጥካዮ ኣካል ምሱኳን’ውን ይሓውሰ’ዩ ኢለ እኣምን። ሓዲኦም ክስማምዑን ክቃወሙን ዝኽእሉ በዚ መንፅር ይመስለኒ።

    (3) ፅሑፍካ ንመደራደርቲ ውዕል ፕሪቶሪያ ክበፅሕ ዝደለየ ብዘምስል መልክዕ ጥራሕ ካብ ምፅሓፍ ብትግርኛን ኩሎም ዝምከቶም ብዝርድኡሉ ኣገባብ ኣብ መቐለ ክትገብሮ ኢኻ ኢለ ኣተስፍው። ምኽንያቱ ኣብክሊ ውዳበ ዝተፈለየ ሓሳብ ዘለዎ ሰብ ካብ ኮሙዩኒስታዊ ጥርናፈ ነብሱ ኣድሒኑ ብድምፂ ተሳዒረ’ምበር ሓሳበይ እዚ’ዩ ኢሉ ዘስምዐሉ ኩነታት ንኽህሉ ባይታ መንታን ክተንፅፍ።

    (4) ድሕሪ ናትካ ፅሑፍ ሓደ ሓደ ሰባት ውሽጣዊ ምግምሜዕ ደኾን ይህሉ ዝብል ስግኣት ይሓድሮም። እንተኸማይ ኣይመስለኒን። እዚ ሕዚ ዘሎ ኣመራርሓ መኸተ ዘተኣኻኸቦ ዋኒን ድሕነት ትግራይ’ምበር ፓለቲካዊ ምሕደረኣ ኣይኮነን። ድሕሪ ድሕነታ ነናብ ፓለቲካ ሰልፎም ከምዝፅንበሩ ሕቶ የብሉን። ትዝድለ’ውን ንሱ እዩ። ኩነታት 1993ን ሎሚን ፈፂሙ ዘመሳስል ባህሪያት የብሎምን። ብኣኻ ወገንከ ነቶም ስግኣት ዝሓደሮም ‘ታይ’ዩ እቲ መልሲ።

  4. Tedla Asfaw

    February 25, 2023 at 4:48 am

    I remember Tsadkan the so called brilliant military strategist boasting on BBC about his forces in the East cutting Mile Highway.He failed miserably.I heard him on Heritage Foundation Promising America he will save them from Isaias Afeworki.He and his America lost the war to topple Isaias.TPLF/TDF,Tsadkan etc are now waiting guidance from Antony Blinken how to reorganize and make themselves available as USA client.The people of Tigray have to rise up and throw these losers once and for all.Tigray will not live in peace with TPLF/TDF and the likes of Tsadkan.

    • Abraham Biadgo

      February 26, 2023 at 5:47 pm

      Tesla spreads the voice of animosity and bias.

    • Bring back our stolen priceless heritages

      February 26, 2023 at 6:04 pm

      ከሀገረ ትግራይ ተሰርቆ ወደ አማራ ክልል የተወሰደው ጥንታዊ የቅዱስ ያሬድ የብራና መፅሓፍ በጎንደር በእጃቸው ይዘው በማህበራዊ ሚዲያ (በቪዲዮ) በቅፅረ ቤተክርስቲያን ለተሰበሰበው ምዕመናን ሲያሳዩ ና እልል በሉ ሲሉ የታዩት የኔታ ሊቀሊቃውንት ዕዝራ ሐዲስ ይባላሉ፤፤ጉባኤ ዘርግዘተው የሚያስተምሩበትና የሚያገለግሉበት ደብር መንበረ መንግሥት መድሃኔዓለም ቤተክርስቲያን ይባላል፤፤በኢትዮጵያና በትግራይ ክልላዊ መንግሥት መካከል በተደረገው የሰላም ስምምነት መሠረት ይህን ከላይ የተጠቀሰውን ዋጋ አልባ የብራና መፃፍ ጨምሮ ተዘርፈው የተወሰዱ ውድ የትግራይ ቅርሳቅርሶች ወደ ቀድሞው ቦታቸው እንዲመለሱ አስፈላጊውን ቅርስ የማስመለስ ሥራ እንዲሠራ ለማሳሰብ ነው፤፤

  5. Tedla Asfaw

    February 25, 2023 at 4:46 am

    I remember Tsadkan the so called brilliant military strategist boasting on BBC about his forces in the East cutting Mile Highway.He failed miserably.I heard him on Heritage Foundation Promising America he will save them from Isaias Afeworki.He and his America lost the war to topple Isaias.TPLF/TDF,Tsadkan etc are now waiting guidance from Antony Blinken how to reorganize and make themselves availabke as USA client.The people of Tigray have to rise up and throw these losers once and for all.Tigray will not live in peace with TPLF/TDF and the likes of Tsadkan.

  6. desta

    February 25, 2023 at 3:33 am

    I am so sorry General I hope you read the recent letter disseminated by Tigray Independence Party (TIP) on twitter. Are we going to offer a political space for PFDJ? You can see PFDJ is working with Tigray Independence Party (TIP). You can read and listen what TIP is saying. Eritrean “Ahwatna”!. PFDJ killed more than half a million people. Are they not Eritreans? Every Eritrean had a choice to kill or not to kill Tegru civilians. But they chose to kill civilians. TIP is totally out of Tigray. TIP is now representing talking point of Eritrean Government TIP is blaming TDF for the genocide in Tigray. TIP is praising Eritreans involvement in the killing of Tegaru and blaming TDF for everything. TIP = Home grown PFDJ.

    • No single TIP(ውናት ) party member should be given power in Tigray

      February 25, 2023 at 1:21 pm

      No single TIP(ውናት ) party member should be given power in Tigray, unless he is willing to throw its venomous political ideology of agazianic-acid and ready to be cleansed with pure water of Tigray First.
      The comment posted above by the person named DESTA, is what most Tigrayans authenticate and give preference to.
      We can’t see Tigray stuffed with Eritreans let alone allowing them to take control of political seats with Tigrayans.Someone who is allowed to live freely,and act as he like , next day he will be running to hold key offices.This is not about being extreme nationlist idea or zenophopia or something else but to defend our rights and deter people who were killing our people, tying the hands and feet of our people and drowning them in the lake, slaughtering them with knives like cattles, burning Tigrayans alives, massacring our priests and church scholars. We can’t bring all the misery in detail in this comment.
      We understand your concern is to grab the port , why were you failed to capture the port before going to Afar and amhara region where you expose the army to incessant attack of drones? It is beacause you prefered to save Eritreans and attck amhara .

      We don’t like TPLF , but if this socalled TIP is gonna lead Tigray we will be forced to choose TPLF. የወደዱትን ሲያጡ ያጡትን(የጠሉትን)ይቀላውጡ ካልመሰለብን ቲፒ በትግራይ ውስጥ ተራ ሥልጣን ከሚሰጠው ህውሃት ሁሉም ሥልጣን ጠቅልሎ ይውሰደው፤፤ህፃናትን ወገኖቻችን ካህናቶቻችን እና ምሁራኖቻችን የጨፈጨፊትን ኤርትራውያን ወንድሞቻችን ናቸው የአግኣዝያን መንግሥት እንመሰርታለን ከሚል ፓርቲ የተለመደ ሙሰኛ መሪ ይሻላል፤፤በቁማቸው በእሳት እየተቃጠሉ ፤በፊጢኝ ታስረው ወደ ጥልቅ ባህር የተወረወሩ፤ በካራ እንደ ከብት የታረዱ ወገኖቻችን መርሳት አይቻልም፤፤ዕርቅም እንኳ ቢኖር ሥልጣን ይሰጣቸው የሚል ሽምግልና የዕብደት ነው፤፤

  7. Kunama

    February 24, 2023 at 11:21 am

    Gen. Tsadkan’s failure to mention Irob & Kunama among the stakeholders in transitional government is disheartening. Isn’t he talking about inclusiveness? If we aspire for an independent country; what kind of country do we aim to creat? Democratic, comprehensive & secular or dictatorship, exclusive & religious? This article might be the best example though a single person’s single article might not necessarily reflect everything. However, this has been a pattern for too long & wholeness is missing.This is foundation for everything and this foundation must shoulder considerable weight that’s going to carry.


    February 24, 2023 at 7:34 am

    It is interesting but no one is carring about it especially the Tigray ppl.


    February 24, 2023 at 7:33 am

    Really good

  10. Wedi Tigray

    February 24, 2023 at 1:16 am

    Without reasonable doubt, persons like General Tsadkan are meritorious,  irreplaceable and deserve special place in the history of Tigray.

    Given the two-year formidable challenges, Tigray is awaiting much heavier duty-to-do tasks than a mere success in transitional interim government establishment and formal election thereafter. We’ve merciless enemies that will never sleep before succeeding in the irreversible abjection and killing of Tigray. This necessities the need to strategically invest resources and time on such priorities while giving the other abracadabra a transient attention. I want to see the ebullience and leadership role of Tsadkan and his likes in light of this unwavering heavy responsibility.

  11. nimintai

    February 23, 2023 at 7:20 pm

    This is Gen. Tsadkan, a brilliant military mind shifting his attention to matters of political statesmanship. No matter how much the dominant role of TPLF is shared or curtained in the formation of the IRA and the future of governance in Tigray, this much is clear: at its core, TPLF will always represent the spirit of Tigray, that recurring instinct to defend Tigray.

    • nimintai

      February 23, 2023 at 10:06 pm

      correction: curtained should read curtailed.

  12. Kidane Gebremariam

    February 23, 2023 at 2:59 pm

    I have a very high regard for L.G Tsadkan. This is well thought and articulated article and must be taken into consideration seriously with respect to inclusiveness, fair representation and transparency.

  13. Fiseha Weldemichael

    February 23, 2023 at 2:12 pm

    The most important is to make peace with all your neighbors. The leadership who can avoid war again. It was horrible mistake to go to war.

    • nimintai

      February 24, 2023 at 8:30 pm

      Fiseha: Tigray wanted peace with its neighbors. But its neighbors – Abiy, Amharas, and Isaias – they were not interested in peace with Tigray. They wanted revenge against TPLF, and so they conspired to wage war on Tigray.

  14. Tadesse

    February 23, 2023 at 1:56 pm

    It’s up to the committee to accept this advice and to make benefit out of it.i thank you general tsadqan i also hope that if tigray is lucky enough to lead the intrim gevornment.

  15. Amanuel Asgedom

    February 23, 2023 at 1:27 pm

    I really appreciate such type of guiding note to facilitate the smooth implementation of the function of the IRA committee. All are well noted by general Tsadikan as similar explicitly described by the GSTS in their detail discussion about the establishment of the committee and the upcoming interim administration.

    However , what we noted is that though, TPLF was signed agreement as no more legal government in Tgrai still They are dominance in the process of the establishment if rhe IRA. Hence, as Tegaru we fully criticized the intent and interest of TPLF to stay in power even after exposing to the people for all those crisis.

    The illegal Parliament should have been demolished since the agreement Pretoria rather TPLF had taken further delegation from it to fully control the council and government power.

    Last but nit least, what so ever the time it takes I full support what the GSTS recommended to establish new committee to maintain transparency and full participation if all parties and stakeholders or as General Tsdakan mentioned it should be reviewed critical and subject to include all the remain8stakeholders in the process.

    • Debrestion& his genocidal team shouldnot lead Tigray

      February 23, 2023 at 3:55 pm

      People of Tigray must not give chance to TPLF thugs to lead Tigray. TPLF thugs like Getachew, Debrestion and others with TPLF leadership team are the sole responsible people, for the genocide committed in Tigray.Post-peace deal war crimes are committed by the sheer consent of these TPLF thugs. The Amhara police members were welcomed by Debresion and allowed to kill, and rob Tigrayans. They were not even inspected before they leave Tigray.
      Not a single Amhara man should be allowed to work in policing, and control public offices where there are vulnerable defenseless people of Tigray

      TPLF thugs freed many erittreans and amhara genociders while killing Tigrayns just because they have blood ties with the people who support Prosperity party.
      We have many people within the same family who hold various political and religious views. No one should be killed brutally just because his or her family member is pro-Amahara or pro-eritrean regime.

      Surprisingly, we have Tigrayans living in abroad who selll information of our military to enemies for the sake of small coins they collect from youtube. These thugs exposed the people of Tigray .

      It is inhumane to endorse death and suffering on innocent civilians , but some Tigraynans who were living oustide Tigray have committed serious crimes against their own fellow Tigrayans in an attempt to establish robust ties with Amhara and Oromo.

      These kinds of people were ashamed and feel shy to speak Tigrigna and act like they are not Tigrayans and prefer to call them selves righful, lawful, pretentiously pious for ignoring Tigrayans. These kind of people fired many Tigrayans and prefered to work with Amhara and Oromo. Saddly, Amhara and Oromo, motivated and organized by PP regime, turned against these Tigrayans and fired them and force them to live in the streets .
      These what it fits with the saying”ሥራ ለሠሪው እሾህ ላጣሪው”

      While it is an act of wellbehaved person to sympathize wit their family members,who have done nothing wrong, Tigrayans in Fifinnee deserve to suffer without job as they have to gather what they sow in this planet.

      በዚህ ምድር ላይ በራሱ ወገን ላይ የሚጨክን ሀቀኛ ነኝ ባይ አድር ባይ ጠላቶቹን እያንቆለጳጰሰ የራሱን ወገን የሚከዳ ይሁዳ እንደ ትግራዋይ የለም፤ስፍር ቁጥር የሌላቸው ተጋሩ የራሳቸውን ቋንቋ መናገር የሚሳፍራቸውነበሩ ፥የዛሬን አያርገውና የወገናቸው ሀዘን የማይገዳቸው ነበሩ፥ማለት ሀብታም ደሃ ቦለቲከኛ ተራ የመንግሥት ሠራተኛ ወዘተ የማይለይ በሁሉም ትግራዋይ ላይ ያነጣጠረ መከራ ና ሰቆቃ ከመታወጁ በፊት ነው፤፤በኢትዮጵያ ታላላቅ ከተሞች አማሪኛ በመናገር እሪፍ ስልጡን የሆኑ የሚመስላቸው መስሎ አደር አጭበርባሪዎች ሌቦች ነፍሰገዳዮች የነበሩ ብዙ ተጋሩዎች ነበሩ ፥፥በአንድ ጣሪያ ከሚኖሩ በአንድ ቤተሰብ ከሚተዳደሩ የቤተሰብ አባላት ውስጥ የተለያየ የእምነትና የፖለቲካ አመለካከት ያላቸውን የቤተሰብ አባላት ማየት(ማግኘት)የተለመደ ሲሆን ይህ ክስተት ለብዙዎቻቹ አዲስ አይደለም፥፥
      የዘመኑን ነበራዊ ና ማህበራዊ ገፅታ የማይረዱ ዘመኑን የማይዋጁ ያረጁ ያፈጁ የህውሃት መሪዎች ግን እከሌ ብልፅግናን ስለደገፈ ልጆቹን እንገድላለን ብለው የብዙዎችን ዘር አጥፍተዋል፥፥ ሲያርድ ሲገድል ሲደፍር የነበረ ኤርትራዊ አማራ ወታደር በአንፃሩ ወንድማችን ነው በሚል ርካሽ ፕሮፓጋንዳ ለፖለቲካ ፍጆታ ነፃ ለቀዋል(አሰናብተዋል) ፤፤ከ ህውሃት መሪዎች የበለጠ በዚህ ዓለም ባንዳ አይገኝም፤፤ከደቡብ አፍሪካው ስምምነት በሗላ የህውሃት መሪዎች ህዝባቸው ለማስጨረስ ከመቸው ጊዜ በበለጠ ቆርጠው ተነሥተዋል፥፥ህዝባቸውን ካስጨረሱ በሗላ መሬቱን ለንግድ ለመቀራመት ነው፤፤ስማቸውን ምን ይጥራው እና እነዚህ ከሃዲ ሌቦች፤፤ከጦርነቱ የተረፈውን ሕዝብ የአማራን ፖሊስ አስገብተው አስጨፈጨፉት አስዘረፉት ፥ራቁቱን አስቀሩት፤፤የሕዝቡ ደም በእጁ ያለበት በደብረጢዮን የሚመራው እንደ ህውሃት ያለ ማፊያ ቡድን በትግራይ ውስጥ ሥልጣን አይገባውም፤፤በማስፈራራት እና በመዝለፍ ስልጣን ላይ ለመቆየት የሚደረግ ርካሽ አካሄድ ጊዜው ያለፈበት የጃጀ የፖለቲካ ስልት ነው፥፥ቱልቱላው ፥አፈቅቤው ፥ ቢራ ገልባጩ ጌታቸውም ሆነ መሠሪው ኤርትራዊው ደብረፅዮንና ጀሌዎቹ ትግራይን መምራት የለባቸውም፤፤ይልቁንም በፈፀሙት የዘር ማጥፋት ወንጀል መጠየቅ አለባቸው፤፤ከዳተኞች ፥፥ትንሽ ግር ይላል ምክንያቱም በገዛ ሕዝባቸው ላይ ዘር ማጥፋት ወንጀል የፈፀሙ በታሪክ እምብዛም አይታዩም የህውሃት መሪዎች ግን ለየት ያሉ ናቸው፥፥ለዛ ነው ለሰሚው አግራሞትን የሚጭረው፥፥ህውሃት ሥልጣኑን ይልቀቅ ፥በራሱ ሕዝብ ላይ ስለፈፀመው ወንጀሉም ይጠየቅ ፥፥
      የሚያሳዝነው ደግሞ ሰው በላው የደርግ ሥርዓትን ለመገርሰስ የታገሉና በክብር የተሰው ስለሕዝባቸው አካላቸውን የከበሩ ውድ ወገኖቻችን በሚጠሩበት የክብር ስም ወያኔ ህውሃት የሚለውን ስም ና የተከፈለውን መስዋዕትነት ለርካሽ ለግል የሥልጣን ና የሸቀጣሸቀጥ ዓላማ ማዋላቸው ነው፥፥በዚህ ፅሑፍ ህውሃትና ወያኔ የሚሉ ቃላት የሚወክሉት የህይወት ዋጋ ከፍሎ ያዳናቸውን ሕዝብ የካዱ የዘመናችን መሪዎች የሆኑትን ነፍሰበላዎችና ማፊያዎችን ብቻ ነው፤፤
      ማሳሰቢያ፥እንደ ተለመደው ነፍጠኛ፥ሻቢያ፥ርዝራዥ፥ዲቃላ፤ተረፍ ደርጊ፥አህያ ወዘተ ብሎ ማምለጥ አይቻልም፥፥ንዴትን ለማብረድ መጮህ ማጓራት ግን ይቻላል ግን ሀቅን ወደ ሀሰት አይለውጠውም፥፥እንደ አማሪካ ባለሥልጣናት ያለሥጋት የምትኖሩበትን ሁኔታ ማሰብና ማመቻቸት ብልህነት ነው፥፥እንደ ሾላ ፍሬ በድንጋይ አቆሳስለው ከተሰቀላቹሁበት እንዳያወርዷቹ ካሁኑ እንደ ኦባሳንጆ በሰላም ሥልጣናቹህን ልቀቁ፥፥

  16. Aba Nega Lenchaa

    February 23, 2023 at 12:40 pm

    bunch of fools try to fool their people. All of u r dead horses.

    • nimintai

      February 23, 2023 at 6:21 pm

      ABA – your comment is probably intended to be hateful, but the unintended consequence is that it is also shallow.

  17. Shawel

    February 23, 2023 at 12:28 pm

    That is what I expect from genuine Tigrayans like General Tsadkan coming out in open to inform the public in large. NO WANDER I HAD YOUR PICTURE AS MY PROFILE PICTURE ON FACEBOOK & TWEETER SINCE YOU JOINED TDF TO LIBERATE OUR PEOPLE. THANK YOU

  18. Irob badi

    February 23, 2023 at 11:48 am

    I believe the article has covered some of critical issues on the current political situation of Tigray. The key message is to create inclusive Transitional government. And to be transparent in the process. However, Ironically, his list of stakeholders is not inclusive. How can he fail to mention Ethnic minorities, namely, Irob and Kunama as stakeholders in Tigray politics?! Either deliberate act of political marginalization of ethnic minorities or utter negligence and undermining of such groups. It’s time for Tigray political elite to aknowldge and accommodate Irob and Kunama in the political and all other affairs of Tigray.

  19. Kidane Gebreslasie

    February 23, 2023 at 10:30 am

    There is an Arabic saying which states that “if the presence of your neck is questioned by at least two persons then put the benefit of the doubt and ťouch your head ťo confirm its presence”. The opinion of our veteran Gen. Tsadkan reveals not only the need of the procedural aspects of the already established council but also the fundamental principle of participatory engagement of major stakeholders. This could be the base of our Democratic practice in the future. All parties need to know that “we are all in the same boat”.I do commend a genuine reconsideration of the engagement of all concerned stakeholders in the established transitional council. We need to take care of the future setbacks of exclusions.

  20. Nuredin

    February 23, 2023 at 9:52 am

    Who should accept the new interim administration? The US, EU, AU, EFDRE or the people of Tigray ?

  21. ANU

    February 23, 2023 at 7:57 am

    Critical Questions for reflection

    1. Why General Tsadkan acts as external body while he is the main orchestrator and signature of the COHA in Pretoria and Nairobi representing TPLF?
    2. Why is he informally and systematically legitimizing the criminals and mafia network of Sebhat Nega, Debretsiion terrorist group as “real regional government” while he has signed, TPLF is no more legitimate elected government and there must be new and inclusive interim government that prepares for fair, legitimate, and democratic election by the NEBE?
    3. How can Debretsion group, criminal take the “initiative” alone and establish a committee for preparing an Interim Regional Administration (IRA) by itself? With what legal or moral ground? Debretsion group is terrorist and criminal mafia group that enabled and committed genocide against Habesha Agaezian Community and how G. Tsadkan neglects this and acts as appeasing person?
    4. How can G.Tsadkan propose the other opponent parties and other civil societies to join the current fake, illegal and baseless committee of Debretsion TPLF and then participate in revising and validating its report or proposal?
    5. Why General Tsadkan kept silent while Sheabia is still committing atrocities in Agame and Shire lands of Habesha Agaezian nation communities?
    6. Why G. Tsadkan neglect the killings of TDF members by TPLF, instrumentalizing aid food and medication by TPLF?
    7. Why is he trying to justify the delay of restoring civil services, medications, food aids and education of children, budget for civil servants, securing peace and removing the invaders from Tigray as problem of establishing Interim Regional Administration (IRA)? The federal government must take immediate actions and restore all public services, secure stability, and provide budget to the region as quickly as possible? Why the innocent community suffers in between?
    8. What is the relationship between G. Tsadkan and Dawit G.her Nega (Sebhat Nega and Fetlewerk G.her Nega)? Starting with Raya Beer Factory, Lion International Bank, Wurayna Journal of Getachew Aregawi upto TDF leadership and DDD in Pretoria?

    NB. We respect his opinion and appreciate his contribution even though we are critically challenging him at the same time.

    Remarks, critics, and questions are welcome via:

    • Tsegay

      February 23, 2023 at 9:49 am

      May you leave the issue to Tigrian! We never appreciate intervention on this regard.

  22. Teame

    February 23, 2023 at 6:02 am

    Its very weak article,its ptolemization of social media noises. I don’t think these crazy Generals can bring anything good. After all they all are edging to retirement and clearly are past their prime.what they will bring is more misery,death and uncertain feature.that’s what Generals do! my guess is we have more chance of relapsing in to another deadly conflict than creating sustainable peace If the Generals are deciding our future.

    • Kahsay

      February 23, 2023 at 12:33 pm

      I wonder if Sibhat’s family and retarded TPLF leaders are better than General Tsadikan.

  23. Kibrab

    February 23, 2023 at 4:39 am

    The assigned committee would get great benefit from reading this article and try to incorporate in their existing process (if they already have one in place). As mentioned in the article it’s not about the people selected, it’s the process that gives legitimacy.

  24. Romha Assefa

    February 23, 2023 at 3:07 am

    Thank you our hero for your unreserved effort band constractive ideas for the transition, and this showed us we have such capacities within the region.

  25. Haftom Abraha

    February 23, 2023 at 2:17 am

    Yes indeed it is a well articulated and raised key points in relation to the future of Tigray and Tigray people. But what is the need of posting this comment here? Is he not part of the ongoing processes? Why not discuss with the committee?

  26. Tewelde

    February 23, 2023 at 12:47 am

    Quite reflective.
    It is high time to recommend Gen. Tsadkan as the best and potential candidate to lead the transition. It is not interim for Tigray rather it is a turning point to bring democratization, peace and sustainable development. If there is any one concerned about Tigray and beyond, it is the golden opportunity to bring Gen. Tsadkan to the front position to bring peace in the Horn of Africa. In fact, there is exceptionality with Eritreans that he is not interested to make peace with Eritrea rather he always provoke Eritrea,even before the war brokeout. He has to be consistent enough about peace though the Eritreans are stereotypical for such view. Why why why the Tigrean Generals are not interested to fill the mistrust between the Tigrean and Eritrean higher officials. As Meles and Isaias did grave mistake on competing for power, same madness is repeating time and again. The west(USA& EU) has to stop the conspiracy against the people of Tigray/Ethiopia and Etitrea. In the pretext of Isaias, the west is gambling on the fundamental and steategic interest ot the people. Time to stop the so called crocodile tears of the west. As Tigreans we have indeeded difficulty to accept the Ego and overconfidence of Isaias for the time being. It is imperative to concede all the wrongdoings by Isaias and his military officers for our strategic interest. It is nightmare to sustainably bring peace to the horn by cornering Eritrea and Isaias, particularly to Tigray, like what happened in the last 20 years borders of Eritrea will remain remote and desert. Devil bargain with Isaias have far reaching importance for the region. However, air floating in Tigray is not promising, everyone is aware of inevitable full scale war with Eritrea, no matter when. And this leads to people in the academia and bussiness are preparing to leave the region. Thus, please, please never postponed war with Eritrea rather end with reconcilation. Thank you

  27. Tewelde

    February 23, 2023 at 12:20 am

    It is high time to recommend Gen. Tsadkan as the best and potential candidate to lead the transition. It is not interim for Tigray rather it is a turning point to bring democratization, peace and sustainable development. If there is any one concerned about Tigray and beyond, it is the golden opportunity to bring Gen. Tsadkan to the front position to bring peace in the Horn of Africa. In fact, there is exceptionality with Etitreans that he is not interested to make peace with Eritrea rather he always provoke Eritrea,even before the war brokeout. He has to be consistent enough about peace though the Etitreans are stereotypical for such view. Why why why the Tigrean Generals are not interested to fill the mistrust between the Tigrean and Eritrean higher officials. As Meles and Isaias did grave mistake on competing for power, same madness is repeating time and again. The west(USA& EU) has to stop the conspiracy against the people of Tigray/Ethiopia and Etitrea. In the pretext of Isaias, the west is gambling on the fundamental and steategic interest ot the people. Time to stop the so called crocodile tear of the west. As Tigreans we have indeeded difficulty to accept the Ego and overconfidence of Isaias for the time being. It is imperative to concede all the wrongdoings by Isaias and his military officers for our strategic interest. It is nightmare to sustainably bring peace to the horn by cornering Eritrea and Isaias, particularly to Tigray, like what happened in the last 20 years borders of Eritrea will remain remote and desert. Devil bargain with Isaias have far reaching importance for the region. However, air floating in Tigray is not promising, everyone is aware of inevitable full scale war with Eriyrea, no matter when. And this leads to people in the academia and bussiness are preparing to leave the region. Thus, please, please never postponed war with Eritrea rather end with reconcilation.

    • Senait

      February 23, 2023 at 10:11 am

      So true

  28. Hailay

    February 23, 2023 at 12:06 am

    Well articulated article as usual. Thank you very much General Tsadkan.

    • Girmay TG

      February 23, 2023 at 8:53 pm

      I think L. G. Tsadqan’s comment about the formation of Interim Regional Administration (IRA) in Tigray is generally okay. He acknowledged that the members of the committee are assigned by the regional government and so that “the lack of legitimate representation is undeniable”. He mentioned some stakeholders that are not included in the process such as “opposition parties, academia, the diaspora, business community, civil society etc.” But, what about minorities’ representation dear general? Are minorities like Irobs & other Sahos, Kunamas, etc totally disregarded?
      The already flawed process will not provide satisfactory outcome if all stakeholders are not included in the IRA and in future administrations.

  29. Gebreselasie Gebru

    February 22, 2023 at 11:47 pm

    I believe the recommendations by General Tsadkan are timely and helpful for the peace, politocal stability in Tigray. This said, I hope the ruling party will entertain the recommendation and create a political space for the sake of the war-ridden and war-torn people of Tigray!!!

  30. Mesele

    February 22, 2023 at 9:12 pm

    Tsadkan believes the very constitution that created all this mess (all out war), is good enough to resolve the “underlying political problems” that caused the mess. Very funny!!

    • Gebreselasie Gebru

      February 23, 2023 at 1:53 am

      How about the ruling party. It believes the same. Meanwhile, what is the alternative option under the circumstances then? It would be good if ypu could forward the alternative.

  31. Bew

    February 22, 2023 at 8:16 pm

    A very good roadmap of interim administration . I want to remind all that unless there is fundamental political shift ….all journey will sumup to 0 zero. referendem to Confederation or republic must do matter.

  32. Hadush

    February 22, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    Thank you, our all-time hero General Tsadkan. I was eager, more than I can expres with words, to hear from you about the IRA. Because, I count on you; J hope many do share my feeling. I also thank Tghat, for helping us read this awesome article.

    • Birhane G Hagos

      February 22, 2023 at 9:13 pm

      This is a well articulated work suggeted by our own beloved brother L.G Tsadkan G regarding in the formation and acceptable interim goverment in Tigray.This article shall be taken into consideration…

      • Thomas Tewelde

        February 23, 2023 at 6:56 pm

        Don’t let such irresponsible militants put Tigrai and the region into another disaster again. This madness has to STOP 🛑

        • Medhanie Estifanos

          February 26, 2023 at 6:02 pm

          Is self-determination an option for the people of Tigray?

          Has the Pretoria agreement made it a foregone conclusion?

          Or is it a legitimate outcome that will be on the table by IRA but to be determined by a transparent and inclusive process?

          Re-construction and re-conciliation only through the existing paradigm under the guise of the Ethiopian Federal Government?

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