This operational update was obtained by Tghat on May 5, it covers the two weeks ending on April 27. A summary follows. (DB notes refer to...
Dr Fasika Amdeslasie is an associate professor at Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital and a practicing surgeon. He was the head of the Tigray Health Bureau during...
By Haftu Hindeya Gebremeskel From my social-media engagements and experience as a teacher, I have learned that many people prefer to read short to long notes,...
Every few decades, Tigray has witnessed a cycle of war and famine that has decimated its population and developments and left its future generation incapacitated. External...
By Jan Nyssen Nine additional historical maps have been added to our dataset, all of which focus on Western Tigray, a region known for the numerous...
Note The EU Council Conclusions has decided to normalize relations with Ethiopia. In light of the reality in Tigray which is still a de facto blockade...
By Jan Nyssen Title: Untersuchungen zum äthiopischen Königtum / von Eike Haberland Author: Haberland, Eike Published: Wiesbaden : Steiner, 1965 (open access). Internationally, the work...
The Tigray War demands accountability, not only to address past violations but also to prevent a relapse into further war. Developments following the Pretoria Agreement clearly...
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