The following table shows the damage on 52 households of Dugum. The households are indexed by the head of the family, as is the norm in...
Background: Lieutenant General Tsadqan Gebretnsae is a TPLF veteran who served as a chief-of-staff of the Ethiopia National Defense Forces between 1991 and 2000. After retirement,...
Everyone was preparing food, water and other essentials for the day and early around 8 AM, just when they were about to leave the village, Eritrean...
We have reported on the gruesome massacre took place on 5 and 6 January, 2021 in Debre Abay, Western Tigray. We also published a detailed report,...
A unique feature of the genocidal war on Tigray, which marks its 200th day now, is that almost everything is weaponized. Information is weaponized as much...
Tigray’s grandchildren shall not wait for a century to even get recognition of what their forefathers went through, like what happened to the generations of Armenian...
The ECFTR affirms the truthfulness of the message of Abune Mathias, and stresses that the atrocities exposed are only a small fraction of what is happening.
In a leaked document, Amhara Region asks the federal government for 100 million Birr reimbursement for expenses related to treating soldiers wounded in the war on...
A congress of churches & church-affiliated associations laments the majority of the Ethiopian people betrayed the people & church of Tigray, condemns those who attack the...
Re: Legal and human rights protection for persons of Tigrayan origin especially in the security sector including the military, intelligence, and police arbitrarily and illegally detained...