Just like we stopped marking the Battle of Dogali and commemorating Ras Alula because Dogali is now part of Eritrea there might come a time when...
The government still maintains that the brutal war against Tigray is a “law enforcement operation” to bring those behind the alleged attack to the court. If...
One of the weapons Abiy Ahmed is lies, grandiose lies. (I call him homo mendacious for the same reason). The following excerpt debunks one of his...
Now it is clear that this whole thing about the attack on the Northern command is justan Anti-Tigray alliance,which was in the making for the last...
A prominent Amhara diaspora media says Ethiopia paid half a billion dollar to Eritrea for its involvement in the war on Tigray, is negotiating to buy...
Engineer Alula Habteab, Head of the Bureau of Construction, Road and Tarsport in the by-Abiy-Ahmed-installed puppet interim administration of Tigray says, in a press briefing, that...
Perpetrators comprised Amhara militia (7%), Eritrean (49%) and Ethiopian soldiers (11%) – with an additional 10% mentioning “either Ethiopian or Eritrean soldiers, they jointly carried out...
“A massacre had taken place in one village. When we got there the village was deserted, a ghost town. You could hear the wind whizzing through...
What started as a political crisis ended up in one of the bloodiest wars in the world, and the first conventional war in African soil conducted...
Given the vindictive nature of the Eritrean leader, that the Isaias regime would use any opportunity to inflict heavy damage on Tigray was not unexpected. It...
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