Dear Tigray, just this once, choose truth over kindness. It is time to do yourself a favor. No one else will.
We, the Doctors and other health professionals of Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital – College of Health Sciences, Mekelle University, hear and experience firsthand the daily suffering...
I feel this is an opportunity for friends & colleagues in the US & congressional representatives to stop the ongoing genocidal war on Tigray.
The biblical story of the Tower of Babel can serve as a metaphor illuminating the futility of efforts to build a nation-state based on one language...
From all the questions raised above the one we care most about is “What can be done for lasting peace between Tigray and Eritrea?”. The answer...
The talking point document also says that the UN Secretary General has passed a decision to relocate the venue of the upcoming Conference of International Telecommunication...
We have to pretend as if the first thing we thought about in the morning wasn’t suicide.
The Ethiopian government is determined to commit genocide and expects the world to remain quiet as it does so. Naturally, regimes look for scapegoats to mobilize...
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